Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 13. Learning Curves!

I had decided early on Fridays would be my weigh in day. So last Friday I weighed myself to get an exact number. Yesterday I weighed myself again and.....

I LOST 4 POUNDS in a week!!!

I was so excited! I am now four pounds closer to my goal and feeling about 10x better already! I am still not drinking anything but water and its kind of interesting. I thought I would miss other drinks but I'm really ok with it (so far lol). I have been getting some great advice from lots of people and I would just like to take a moment to thank all of you! Every word helps! I appreciate the time and thought and please keep it coming! :)

Its kind of a stressful time in my life, I have a lot going on so I am having to work extra hard to stay on my eating plan. (I normally would turn to pizza for those of you wondering lol). But I have stuck with it. Thanks for all the love. Keep Reading!!


Your very own vanishing Sarah

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